Monday, August 2, 2010

Sobriety leads to Success

It is easy to coast through life and not evaluate how I am doing. I had a fitness and weight goal before a summer vacation and it was serious. I took specific time daily to exercise and plan out my meals for that day. There was nothing stopping me from achieving my goal. I even had to drop 3 pounds the day before we left. Well, the morning we left I took a picture of the scale and I weighed 175.6 pounds and my goal was to reach 175! I had done it. You may ask, what is the moral to this story? Well, I'm not done.
Since then, I have decided to "celebrate" my new physique by not watching what I eat or making a goal for exercising. I spent the last month making excuses for myself and giving myself permission to eat this and skip that workout. It wasn't until this morning that I decided to come to the truth of my health and step on the scale. In a month, I have gained 15lbs of love handles and chubbiness!
The point of this story?
Be sober-minded and always have a goal with a written plan of action.
I let myself go because I didn't hold myself accountable with a plan of action in the area of overall health. I made verbal excuses instead of a written plan of action to maintain and improve my health. I also avoided people and the scale that would tell me to tighten up. The result. 15lbs of cake and ice cream added to my waist.
The result of that? A new written goal (here it is)

On August 8th, I have lost 5 lbs by working out 6 times and eating sensibly throughout the past week.

I'll let you know next Monday how I did

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