Monday, August 30, 2010

Having Habitual Happiness!

Most people go through life coasting and reading up on other's success. They have a momentary feeling of "wish I could do that or have what they have", and then it is back to autopilot. Life is really just a bunch of established habits that you subconsciously do. Many experts say that it takes about 30 days to create a new habit.
If you come home and watch an hour of television everyday, that is a habit that you developed at some point in your life. All people have habits. The only question to ask yourself is, "Do I have good habits or bad habits?" Good habits can create a compound effect that renders amazing results. Whether it is wanting to be healthier, richer, or simply happier, good habits can get you there.
On the other hand, bad habits can get you in a downward spiral that leads to a feeling of disappointment and insignificance. We don't feel the result of our bad habits everyday. It takes a while and then boom! Your culmination of tiny small choices has put you in a heap of nothingness. You realize one day that you have allowed the short satisfaction of the day to steal your real lasting, long-term joy. A sense of joy only found in creating habits that get you moving towards the life you want.
So here is the challenge....
Think of one bad habit you have in your life right now. Anything that doesn't contribute to a better you and replace it with a better habit. Start small. For example,
  • subsitute watching mindless TV with 30 minutes of reading a good book on self-improvement.
  • instead of getting a coffee every morning before the day starts, substitute a quick stretching session 2 times a week to wake you up.
  • instead of waiting to the last minute to complete an assignment or project, give yourself 10 minutes a day of concentrated effort on it (you would be surprised the amount you can get done in 10 minutes a day).

Overall, the challenge is try to create a positive habit in the next 30 days. If you do, and you find that it has helped you, please respond to the post with your comments.


  1. This is so true. Having different things in your life keeps you happy. Getting out of a routine and keeping busy and new things in your life keeps you happy. Inclue happiness in your life.

  2. good habits are something everyone should have in their life. not bad habits but good habits. it is true that bad habits can bring you down and good habits can lift you up. i like to focus on having more good habits than bad habits

  3. I really like this blog is makes very good points. I don't realize all of my bad habits unless i really sit down and think about them. One of my bad habits is that i am a procrastinator. Everyday when i get home from school i put off doing my homework untill right before i go to bed. I can change this habit by doing my work as soon as i get home and getting it out of the way.

  4. Reading this has made me realize how lazy I have gotten over the past few months so thats why I decided to stop eating so much junk food and stop being so lazy and just be healthier and work out more. If I continue on the road im on, I will end up obesed and depressed. Thank you for helping me to realize this.
