Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Being Successful and Satisfied in Your Life and Career!

Well, are you? Many people let their days go by talking about this person or that thing, but they seldom take time to talk to themselves...."Talk to themselves?" you might say. Yes, most successful people take time out of their days talking about other things and focus on what really matters to them...their life. They ask themselves questions like, "What is most important to you? Who are you becoming? Do you like the path your own? If not, how can you change it? If yes, what is your key to success and how can you keep going?
I read a lot about being who are happy and satisfied in life and most of them have careers that make them wake up and say, "Thank God it's Monday!" They have relationships that are deep, meaningful and safe. Not safe from argument, but safe from mindless insults. Do you have friends like that? Can you tell your friends anything and believe that they will try to help instead of hurt you? These are deep questions but they are just the ones you need to answer if you plan to be truly happy. Relationships and your work are two major components of our time here on earth. If we spend our time finding success in these areas, I believe that other areas will take care of themselves. Have a good day and have a good conversation with yourself Today!